
I received a B.A. in painting and printmaking from Peabody/Vanderbilt, where I developed a life-long interest in art forms that combine my interests in both the visual arts and the written word. With the greater focus on visual art, where the image often involves a story, I have experimented with, worked with and taught a number of different painting and drawing media. My long exploration of the transparency of watercolor has evolved into painting with transparent oil over silver leaf, an ephemeral medium that can move when the viewer moves.

With a focus more on the written word, I wrote and illustrated Unconventional Means: The Dream Down Under (Pearlsong Press, Nashville TN,, a personal story of “a deep journey” to Australia that pays tribute to Aboriginal elder Lorraine Mafi-Williams. After taking a semester of Book Arts at MTSU, I took my interest a step further to the actual structure of the book, collaborating with Abintra Montessori students to create Josephina, a limited edition children’s book. Since then, I have taught Book Arts workshops in schools to both children and adults and am an active member of the Nashville Library Book Arts group.

The intimate link between creativity and both personal and planetary sustainability is a subject of deep interest to me.   My wish is to continue to explore and share that interest with others in diverse, co-creative opportunities through the written word and visual expressions. 

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P.O. Box 58533, Nashville TN 37205, USA